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Aboriginal Cultural Awareness – Understanding is the first step to cultural competence
Aboriginal Cultural Awareness – Understanding is the first step to cultural competence Notes from my Building Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Training by the Koorie Heritage Trust – Facilitator: Tania Rossi, on 12 July 2022 Cultural Awareness is understanding is the first part of cultural competenceCultural Competence is put into practice the building of trust and relationships
Digital literacy – the fourth literacy after LLN
Digital literacy – the fourth literacy after LLN The need for effective digital literacy skills has been a recognised for a number of years (McLean, et al, 2020), however, the impact of COVID-19 has significantly increased the use of digital technologies by governments, businesses, educational institutions, community groups and individuals (CSIRO, 2020). This increase was
Strategies for engaging adult learners – based on Jane GoodFellow’s Engaging the unengaged webinar (via Velg Training)
Strategies for engaging adult learners – based on Jane GoodFellow’s Engaging the unengaged webinar (via Velg Training) – 28 February 2022 Pixabay Licensed image by Geralt Author:Allison W Miller I was very lucky to attend the Engaging the unengaged webinar via Velg Training by Jane GoodFellow in late February, as even with over 20 years
Key tips for moving and staying online – ASQA’s fourth strategic review into online learning feedback look webinar – 2 December
Here are my notes from ASQA’s fourth strategic review into online learning feedback look webinar – 2 December 2021. The initials in brackets refer which speaker made which point (+ I have added some of my own thoughts based on my 16 years of training and assessment online). The Referencing Key for each person this